Helping your border collie to cope with Christmas – avoid trigger stacking!

trigger stacking

With Christmas approaching, it’s important to remember that for dogs, and for sensitive border collies in particular, all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, can be a VERY stressful time. Unfamiliar people coming and going, the different food smells, the noises, the Christmas tree (and all the new rules about not touching it), presents, and … Read more

Preventing Chasing In Border Collies

preventing border collie chasing behaviour

Border collies have a strong predatory instinct, and it’s this drive that makes them ideal for herding sheep.  They rarely actually kill the chased object, they don’t have the final “kill” element of the predatory response – they are more driven to stop movement.  When first introduced to sheep, most border collies will instinctively hold … Read more

Border Collie Puppy Training In Spalding, Lincolnshire

Border collie training lincolnshire

Do you need help with border collie puppy training in Spalding or surrounding villages?  I’ve always lived in or around Spalding, and I love the big skies, friendly village life and dog walking with my collies. It’s the place that feels like home and I now live on a smallholding near Gosberton with my collies … Read more

Border Collie Begging At Mealtimes

Does your border collie beg for food at meal times or bark if you shut him or her out? The problem: A client had a 5 month old collie that had been allowed to be in the room with his young family at mealtimes but they were finding him becoming a pain so they tried … Read more