What is your border collie doing right?

One of the most successful training techniques when working with collies with behaviour problems, is to focus on what your collie is doing right, rather than what they are doing wrong.

Living with a Border Collie often means managing behaviours like not being able to settle, wanting to play all the time, watching for passers-by, cats, birds, or ever shadows. But don’t forget to praise the good moments too!

When your collie settles quietly, pauses their barking, or chooses to relax instead of being hypervigilant or chasing the cat, let them know they’ve done well! This could be gentle praise, stopping to give them some fuss, or dropping a low value treat between their front paws. People I am working with say that this is often the method that leads to the biggest improvement with their collie’s behaviour.


Nell, a three year old collie, would obsessively focus on aircraft contrails, which was very difficult to work with, especially as they lived on a flight path – contrails were a common sight. So on any clear day with no clouds, the owners’ lives were hell. Nell would bark, run back and forth and jump up towards any windows or walls nearest to the contrails. On walks she would be almost impossible to walk on clear days.

Nell needed a lot of help and a long term training plan, but the first step was to reward her any time that she chose to settle in the house instead of looking for plane trails. Within a few weeks, she was much improved in the house, and it was a great first step in her training.


Peggy was a five year old collie who had got into the habit of barking whenever she wanted her owner’s attention. We suspect there was also some pain or discomfort causing this behaviour as well, which the vet is looking into.

Peggy’s owners started by rewarding Peggy any time that she settled quietly and relaxed, by giving her some gentle praise and attention. Within a few weeks, the barking behaviour had much reduced, and Peggy was much easier to live with.

Focusing on what they’re doing right not only builds their confidence but also strengthens your bond. Remember, praise goes a long way in shaping a calmer, happier Border Collie.

Take 30 pieces of kibble out of your collie’s daily ration, or take 30 very small treats, and aim to use them all up each day by giving them calmly and quietly to your dog whenever he or she is doing something you like. You will be surprised at the difference that this makes to their behaviour, as well as their bond with you.

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